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Healthfirst Rate Change Request Notification

Email Sent: 6/5/19

Please see below notification from Healthfirst regarding a rate change request to the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS)

Healthfirst Broker Alert
Healthfirst has submitted a rate change request to the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) to modify premium rates for its new and renewing Small Group products effective January 1, 2020.

The requested rate reduction is 5%.

New York State law requires that groups and members be notified when carriers submit a premium rate change request to the DFS. It also requires that we explain the proposed rate change. This explanation is available online.

The following notices of proposed premium rate change will be mailed to small group policyholders (employers) and policy certificate holders (employees):

Healthfirst Pro/Pro Plus EPO group policyholder (employer) notice
Healthfirst Pro/Pro Plus EPO group policy certificate holder (employee) notice

Please note that final, approved rates may differ from proposed rates due to modifications by the DFS.

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