Horizon January 1st Effective Date: Deadline Extension
See below from Horizon.
NJDOBI has extended the deadline for January 1st effective dates due to heavy call volumes received in the past 2 weeks for both ON and OFF Exchange. Please follow the process below for January 1st exception requests (including renewals) up to the deadline of January 6th.
ON Exchange
- Perform a 3 way to the NJSBE Call Center at 833-677-1010.
- Please get the NJSBE call center to assign you as the Designated/Delegated Agent.
- Tell the NJSBE they could not get through at the end of December so they want a January 1st effective date. Advise the agent which plan the member would like to enroll.
- If the SNJBE agent asks you to drop, please wait until the plan selection is made.
- Please track these enrollments and check the GCNJ agent dashboard to ensure delegation was properly assigned.
OFF Exchange
- Agents should complete the embedded PDF application for your agency and forward to the email address indicated on the form.
- Make sure to put the 1/1 effective date on the application and write OEP Exception Request across the top.
- Please include all necessary information to avoid enrollment delays or Return To Sales.
- Agents should also track these enrollments to ensure proper credit is assigned for these applications. (BORs should always be obtained)
- Applications not submitted via the Horizon Broker Portal will appear on the agent’s portal on a future date so long as their NPN was indicated on the application.
Please note all other OEP or SEP applications should continue to be submitted as normal via the Horizon Broker Portal for OFF Exchange and the Get Covered NJ agent portal for ON Exchange.